Contact Us

You can get in touch with us via email or regular mail, depending on your needs. We do accept both plaintext and encrypted mail, as well has typewritten or handwritten notes. We cannot read hieroglyphics, at least not without a trip to the eye doctor.



Such contacts are processed in the order they are received, kind of like the DMV except without the two-day wait (in most cases, no promises).

Grab a numbered ticket and sit tight ...


Always best to sign in if you are looking for support so we can identify who you are; our team of gumshoes are on perpetual vacation (and lazy when not).

But you can use the address below ...


If PGP encrypted email is your game, there is a special place for you (not hell). You'll also need a public key, which you can download by clicking here.

Go with this address ...


The Old School

945 South Birch Street
Glendale, CO 80246

Via Carrier Pigeon


If you are having problems receiving email from us, your email provider may have blocked them, resulting in your address being added to our no-send list. Click here to temporarily remove your email address from our no-send list, as well as find instructions about how to add MKISIO to your approved senders.